Dream Weaving

A revealing behind the veil

We have forgotten the age old fact that God speaks chiefly through dreams and visions

- Carl Jung

Meanings of Dreams

Dreams have been used for millenniums to connect to the higher realms and talk directly with the gods. Oracles, visionaries, shamans and prophets all spoke of their dreams as a source of their wisdom and where they visited to attain information not readily available in this realm. They would enter these visionary states with intention and questions they sought the answer for.

Dreams speak to all of us in a similar manner. These individuals were able to understand the symbolic, mythological language that is represented in dreams which enabled them to find answers to what they sort. This ability is open to all people. Through creating an understanding of the symbolic languages of the time, space, culture and collective it is possible to begin to create an understanding of the language that is being spoken.

Dreams work on both the individual and collective level. Taking into account the persons unique individual experience while simultaneously being aware of the collective presence and the primordial images that have played out through history. This allows a person to gain insight into their own dreams through this understanding with many modalities of dream interpretation possible.

What is received

Dream transmission: See behind the veil and form a deeper relationship with yourself

Insight: Creates an understanding of the psychological processes currently at play

Direction: Connect to your higher self and the direction it leads

Clarity: Knowledge of unconscious processes occurring in everyday life

Connection: Connect to deep parts of you that have been repressed through your life

Emotional clearing: Experience emotional clearing from dreams

Ritual: Create ritual to reenact your dreams to find deeper meanings

Embodiment: Learn how to embody that which is transmitted in dreams

Per Session: 30 minutes 1 on 1 time


1 Session: $66

3 Session: $150

Dream work is an intense and exciting process which reveals many layers of our unconscious. It is a means of connecting to higher versions of ourselves, understanding our purpose more clearly and seeing what is currently required of us. This exchange is a commitment for you to see the potential this has for affecting your entire life.


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